Maarten and his way of working

“The essence of my work is to make people’s lives easier. To make the struggles they have or the obstacles tripping up their team go away. That might sound like a lofty goal, but it’s actually about taking a lot of little steps. You can turn a 1-metre jump into 1.30 metres. And then into 2 or 3 metres. I’ve seen that time and again with individuals and on teams. It can be done – I am convinced of that.”

‘Facing the discomfort’

“How I do that? I let you become aware of who you are, what you do, and its effect on your team and environment. But before that, we deal with the ‘maze’: whatever day-to-day business that gets in your way. Underlying tensions, arguments or other discomfort. Face it and make choices to regain meaning.

Sometimes it’s confrontational and emotions can run high. I give you the space to face those feelings. In this way, we can have an equal conversation, as the head and heart must come together. I do this with a strong strategic vision and hands-on experience, gained in a global context – with your background and personal leeway as the starting point.”

‘Doing something fundamentally different takes courage’

Making choices and taking chances requires sacrifice and courage. I walk with you – sometimes literally – and together we unravel what is going on. If necessary, we press the reset button. Doing something fundamentally different requires courage. In my strategic vision, I see both the big picture and the invisible threads. That’s my strength. That’s what keeps me riding those waves to greater and greater heights! Surf’s up!”